Dr. Cory Scott, MD, CCFP
Dr. Scott has been practicing Family Medicine since 2018. He graduated medical school from McMaster University and completed his residency through Queen’s University. Prior to working full time in addictions medicine, he ran a family practice, worked in the ER and provided inpatient care. He has been practicing addiction medicine full time since 2021. He plans to pursue a Masters of Science in Healthcare Quality, with the goal of helping to shape the future of addictions care in Ontario.
Read our interview with Dr. Scott
About the Physician Advisory Group
The Physician Advisory Group (PAG) is an engaged group of highly-specialized physicians with deep expertise in addiction medicine and healthcare policy. Under the leadership of CATC’s Chief Medical Director, they oversee and guide our clinical practice related to Opioid Agonist Treatment across Canada, ensuring we remain on the leading edge of evidence-based substance use disorder treatment and intervention. This is one of the ways we uphold our commitment to our patients to provide best-in-class comprehensive care that meets their needs in response to the continuously evolving landscape of addiction in our communities.