The Influences on Addiction
The Influences on Addiction
Harm reduction is one of the foundations of addiction treatment. This applies not only to drug addiction but also alcoholism, compulsive gambling, and even eating disorders. The treatments should also take into account the influences on addiction like the biological, psychological, social, and even spiritual aspects. These are even discussed in the book Addiction Treatment a Strengths Perspective. Let us try to look at these influences.
Methods of Treatment
There have been many new methods of treatment for drug addiction that have surfaced in recent years. Unfortunately, the treatment centers do not fully go into the influencing factors that help develop the addiction. Even some of the treatments are considered as superficial.
There are basically two types of influences, biological and environmental. Both of these are found in the Biological-Psychological-Social-Spiritual (BPSS) addiction model. In recognizing these influences, like any other disease, it becomes easier to uncover the weak point where the addiction was able to penetrate a person’s life.
Why are there so many addiction models? These models help in understanding the causes of drug addiction as well as assist in the recovery process. In essence, this creates an effective treatment program. This is essential especially when we consider that there is a lack of certainty on what really causes addiction.
As experts continue to debate on the most effective approach to treatment and recovery, the BPPS model can offer some insights. The Biological aspect can answer the question why, the Psychological is the what, and the Social is the where that defines the cycle that every drug addict goes through. What about the spiritual? It is believed that every addict has to go through some form or spiritual healing or connection to a higher power to be able to withstand the challenges of addiction.
Multiple Causes
By adhering to the model described in the Addiction Treatment a Strengths Perspective, there is an acceptance that the addiction not only has multiple causes, but also multiple solutions. This holds true considering that every case of addiction can be considered unique to the person experiencing it.
Human diversity plays a huge role in the process of addiction, treatment, recovery, and sustainability. And every person will need to go through a personalized program as a sort of personal recipe that will lead to successful recovery.
The BPSS model therefore can be considered an incomplete solution. The importance of the model is that it will help experts to understand and figure out how the problems can be fixed. By reducing the addiction problem to model size, it becomes easier to understand its different stages. This helps to ensure that important details are not lost in dealing with issues of addiction and recovery. In this aspect, it makes no sense to argue what addiction model is best, but only to make use of each to uncover how recovery can be implemented on every individual addict.
These models actually give us many explanations on the multiple causes of addiction. Each of these models also propose its own model of recovery that is based on the presumed cause that resulted in the addiction. As these models leave some aspects of recovery out of the picture, it is up to the addict to fill in the highly relevant details to create a complete recovery scenario. This means that the cooperation of the addict in the treatment process is extremely significant. It also gives the addict a free hand to choose what recovery treatment he feels would be most beneficial and relevant to him.
Causes of Addiction
Evidence-based practices have revealed many possible causes of addiction. Numerous research works have given supporting evidences on how treatment programs have been effective in curbing an addiction. There is no shortage of research that helps to establish the causes of addiction that can also lead to other types of addiction. For example, alcoholics can become, after some time, addicted to illegal or prescribed drugs as well.
The models try to present the bridge that links these addictions together. In this example, alcohol becomes the influence that triggers the drug addiction. So if you combine the addiction model with that for drug addiction, you will be able to successfully address all of its causes. This is why you do not have to choose the best or correct model. You simply need to select what applies to the personal condition of the addict.
Get Help From Canadian Addiction Treatment Centres
With patient-centered treatment, addiction can be stopped. At Canadian Addiction Treatment Centers, we help people struggling with addiction work their way back to a healthy, addiction-free lifestyle. Get help today by filling out our contact form or giving us a call at 1-877-937-2282.