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Opioid Addiction Treatment 101

Everything you need to know about opioid use disorder and treatment in BC  If you’re supporting or working with people affected by opioid use disorder, you probably have a lot of questions.  What is opioid use disorder, actually? How does it affect people and what does it look like? What kinds of treatment are available, […]

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Breaking Down Stigma Around Addiction

As Canada’s largest national provider of care for substance use disorder and behavioural addiction, challenging stigma and false assumptions about drug use, and people who use drugs, is an important part of what we do.  As with any form of mental health issue, society is quick to judge people struggling with addiction based on myth […]

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Common Questions on Methadone Treatment Results

There are a variety of methadone treatment success stories that you can find all around. However, did you know that there are many factors that go into establishing successful methadone treatment results? This is perhaps the reason why there are many questions surrounding this question. Let’s take a look at some of them. What is […]

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Drug Addiction Treatment Questions to Ponder

As a general rule, treatment centers should measure how effective the services they provide including investing in continuous research to uncover newer and more effective treatment methods. There is no doubt that treatment of drug abuse and addiction is very complex, hence, its recovery requires multiple stages of intervention. Drug addiction treatment may include aside […]

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