
Affecting change in addiction medicine

Dr. Mike Franklyn ~ Addiction physician, Health Sciences North, Sudbury. Dr. Michael Franklyn wears many hats in the field of medicine. As a family doctor in Sudbury for almost 25 years, Dr. Franklyn recalls fearing for the life of a female patient in 2002; she was using methadone and forced to travel weekly to Toronto […]

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What it’s like being a methadone doctor

Written by Dr. John Crosby – November 28, 2017 for . I recently had lunch with Dr. Andrew Worster, an old friend from my emergency days 25 years ago. He works at an opioid addiction clinic in Cambridge, Ont., and still does ER shifts at Hamilton General Hospital. He works in the ER one […]

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Key Facts About the Opioid Addiction

  Facts About Opioids & Opioid Addiction The media attention across North America is shining a light on the epidemic that some are saying is worse than any we have seen in past 30 years. The country’s opioid addiction epidemic is fueled by prescription addiction, synthetic drugs, and the extremely addictive heroin drug. We need […]

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Ways to Transmit Hepatitis C

Many people are unclear on how Hepatitis C is transmitted. Hepatitis C is able to be transmitted through indirect sources. Hepatitis C can by transferred through any item that carries the virus, even if it is indirect. Let us educate you on potential ways that Hepatitis C can be transmitted so you can protect yourself. […]

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