PAM 2024 Interview with Janet Campbell

PAM 2024 Interview with Janet Campbell

During Pharmacy Appreciation Month, we spoke with Janet Campbell, Pharmacy Support Coordinator, to hear her perspective on how CATC’s integrated pharmacy services help support our patients on their recovery journey. 1. What motivated you to work in specialized pharmacy services for addiction treatment? Working in addiction treatment was not something I consciously thought of, but […]

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PAM 2024 Interview with Stanley D’Souza, R.Ph.

During Pharmacy Appreciation Month, we spoke with Stanley D’Souza, Pharmacy Manager at TRC Barrie, to hear his perspective on how CATC’s integrated pharmacy services help support our patients on their recovery journey. 1. What motivated you to work in specialized pharmacy services for addiction treatment? I was enthralled by the idea of working in a […]

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PAM 2024 Interview with Laura Knapp

During Pharmacy Appreciation Month, we spoke with Laura Knapp, Pharmacy Assistant at CATP Oshawa, to hear her perspective on how CATC’s integrated pharmacy services help support our patients on their recovery journey. 1. What motivated you to work in specialized pharmacy services for addiction treatment?  I have a background in Sociology and have always had […]

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We commit to being active allies in Truth and Reconciliation

September 30th is the third annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation—a day to confront the ongoing effects of intergenerational trauma on Indigenous Peoples as a direct result of colonialism and the residential schools system in Canada.  The facts are undeniable: Indigenous people are an estimated six times more likely to be hospitalized or die […]

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COVID-19 FAQs at CATC – October 2020

. Covid-19 Information During the COVID resurgence, CATC is committed to keeping our staff, patients, and communities healthy and safe. We are following or have implemented all Public Health Guidelines set forth for health care professionals. This means we are NOT closing our doors, in fact we are stepping up to the challenge, minimizing the […]

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