Why is Canada’s Needle Exchange Program Important

Why is Canada’s Needle Exchange Program Important

Injection drug misuse has been an ongoing crisis in Canada for decades. To mitigate some of the risks and provide users with safer alternatives, Needle Exchange Programs (NEPs) have been implemented across the country. NEPs, which are a harm reduction measure, are confidential and free. These programs provide high-risk users with sterile supplies, which helps […]

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We Welcome New Patients

We remain open and have physicians available 7 days per week. We encourage you to call our toll free # at 1-877-937-2282or email us at CARE@canatc.ca to get started. Our CARE Coordinator is available to assist you in getting

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CATC Clinic Hours of Operation

Due to COVID-19, CATC and affiliate clinics have made some adjustments to operating hours. This master list of clinics, retains the most current set of opening hours. Click here to view the list for the clinic nearest you. If you are unsure […]

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CEO COVID-19 Update

Thank you for your patience and support through these difficult times; and thank you in advance for recognizing our staff for their hard work and determination!

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Affecting change in addiction medicine

Dr. Mike Franklyn ~ Addiction physician, Health Sciences North, Sudbury. Dr. Michael Franklyn wears many hats in the field of medicine. As a family doctor in Sudbury for almost 25 years, Dr. Franklyn recalls fearing for the life of a female patient in 2002; she was using methadone and forced to travel weekly to Toronto […]

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Key Facts About the Opioid Addiction

  Facts About Opioids & Opioid Addiction The media attention across North America is shining a light on the epidemic that some are saying is worse than any we have seen in past 30 years. The country’s opioid addiction epidemic is fueled by prescription addiction, synthetic drugs, and the extremely addictive heroin drug. We need […]

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