How to Select Drug and Alcohol Treatment Rehab Center

How to Select Drug and Alcohol Treatment Rehab Center

Picking the right rehab center can be something of a complicated process for anyone who’s in the depths of addiction.

If anything, they ought to be focusing on themselves, rather than expending large amounts of energy assessing the relative and sometimes miniscule differences between treatment centers.

At the same time, picking a rehab center should be considered a good use of one’s energy, and a really valuable way for an individual to take care of themselves.

How do you pick the right center for you, though? How do you know whether one treatment center is better than other? Take the following things into consideration, and you’ll be on the right path.


One of the greatest limitations for any recovering addict is a financial one: rehab programs don’t often come cheap, and in some respects, the most expensive, luxury programs are those that are likely to be the most successful.

That said, financial costs can be reduced by assessing your needs as an addict. For example, if you need nanny services for a child, then you may end up spending more than someone who doesn’t.

Similarly, many luxury rehab centers function roughly like high end resorts. As such, they often come with a selection of things that, while pleasant to have, aren’t necessary, such as massage services, pools and gyms. Work out your priorities and search for an affordable center that caters to them.

Treatment plan

“Some treatment programs that work wonderfully for many may not work for you.”

Think about yourself and how you relate to hard work. Which methods are likely to work for you? You are not a clone, and every sufferer is different, so treatment programs are similarly varied.

“Research what’s out there and familiarize yourself with the broad patterns that emerge.“

Would a 12 step program work best for you? If so, select your rehab center based on this consideration and how comprehensive their 12 step program is.

Research success rates and aftercare options

“Rehab programs are not a simple solution, because addiction is not a simple problem.”

As such, the best rehab programs are those that offer ongoing advice to any recovering addicts for when they reintegrate with the real world.

They will anticipate the challenges of reintegration and offer helpful advice, and support. Study figures, and online forums to gauge an estimation of a program’s overall quality.

Get Help From Canadian Addiction Treatment Centres

With patient-centered treatment, addiction can be stopped. At Canadian Addiction Treatment Centers, we help people struggling with addiction work their way back to a healthy, addiction-free lifestyle. Get help today by filling out our contact form or giving us a call at 1-877-937-2282.