Hepatitis C Treatment: Fact Sheet
Hepatitis C Treatment FACT SHEET. Contact the clinic location nearest to you or walk-in during regular business hours. Required to have a valid health card. Inform the staff in the clinics that you are here for information about Hepatitis C Treatment.
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Recovery In Focus Memoirs Dana
“My Story is Your Story” Recovery in Focus storytellers. A blend of storytelling, public speaking, media training and being a Lighthouse. Listen to a storyteller build a bridge into a brighter, kinder world (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Spring/Fall 2015).
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Recovery In Focus Memoirs Emylee
“My Story is Your Story” Recovery in Focus storytellers. A blend of storytelling, public speaking, media training and being a Lighthouse. Listen to a storyteller build a bridge into a brighter, kinder world (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Spring/Fall 2015).
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Recovery In Focus Memoirs Melissa
“My Story is Your Story” Recovery in Focus storytellers. A blend of storytelling, public speaking, media training and being a Lighthouse. Listen to a storyteller build a bridge into a brighter, kinder world (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Spring/Fall 2015).
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Ted Talk – Judson Brewer: A simple way to break a bad habit
Can we break bad habits by being more curious about them? Psychiatrist Judson Brewer studies the relationship between mindfulness and addiction — from smoking to overeating to all those other things we do even though we know they’re bad for us. Learn more about the mechanism of habit development and discover a simple but profound […]
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Craving Heroin: How Does It Feel?
An addiction to heroin is no joke. The problem with heroin addiction is that the brain and body crave the drug. These cravings can be painful, especially when an addict is working through withdrawal. Craving is a Vicious Circle For an addict, the craving comes from the body wanting two complete opposites. Of course, the […]
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