
How Drug Use Affects the World

Drug abuse affects more than just the small communities where drugs are sold and used. The entire world is affected by drug use. Since nearly 200 million people use illegal drug (not alcohol and tobacco) all over the world, it is easy to imagine the costs related to accidents, health care, and policing. Studies have […]

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The Dangers of Prescription Drugs

Visiting the doctor has become synonymous with getting a prescription for medication. Doctors prescribe medication for every problem imaginable. From medication that helps kids sit through school lessons to pills that stop debilitating pain, medication is the answer that everyone is looking to find. While many of the prescriptions that physicians write really do good […]

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Cocaine Withdrawal – Symptoms, Timeline & Treatment

When heavy drug users try to cut back on drug use, drug users feel the extreme sensations relating to withdrawal. Some drugs have more painful withdrawal symptoms than others, but cocaine is one the few drugs that can causes withdrawal symptoms after the very first use. Those who use cocaine call the withdrawal symptoms a […]

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Are All Addictions the Same?

Even though drug addiction has been a part of human life for millennia, researchers have finally begun to understand why addictions occur. As researchers get closer looks at the human brain, they have found that addictions actually change the way the brain works and that reversing those changes is difficult. With the number of people with addictions, […]

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Helpful Books to Read: Learn About Addiction and Recovery

Addiction and recovery are not just topics for hospitals, methadone clinics, and mental health facilities. In fact, the history of addiction and recovery have been documented in several fascinating books. These books have been well researched and they document the rise of drug abuse, addiction, and treatment in the United States and around the world. […]

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Understanding an Addict’s Thought Patterns

Addiction is more than just a physical condition; it is also a mental one. According to findings in The Journal of Neuroscience, cognitive or thought patterns may differ among substance abusers as compared to those who do not suffer from addictions. It suggests that addicts may have more difficulty with thought processes related to understanding long-term […]

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