Can Opioid Addiction Be Managed with Psychedelic Drugs
Opioid addiction is a serious problem all over North America. In the United States, researchers are working on a variety of different ways to help those who have developed an addiction from OxyContin, heroin, or Vicodin. For many years, rehab and methadone have been the standards of treatment. But, some addicts have not had much […]
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Krokodil: What is it?
This drug is a horrible drug that is used in place of heroin. It originated in Russia, where heroin became scarce due to the war in Afghanistan and the decreased production of poppies. The drug is a combination of codeine and either paint thinner, gasoline, or lighter fluid. The drug is usually injected and it […]
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What is Kratom?
Kratom might not be the first name you think of when you think of dietary supplements or opioids, but it is known as being both. The Kratom plant is native to Southeast Asia and is part of the coffee family. This supplement is found in Canada and since it is an ethically produced product, many […]
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Flakka: What Is It?
If it seems like people are always looking for new ways to get high, your perception is correct. Somewhere, someone is trying something to get high. The latest discovery is a synthetic drug called “flakka”, which made its media debut in April 2015. This drug is entering North America in Florida and it is coming […]
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How Drug Use Affects the World
Drug abuse affects more than just the small communities where drugs are sold and used. The entire world is affected by drug use. Since nearly 200 million people use illegal drug (not alcohol and tobacco) all over the world, it is easy to imagine the costs related to accidents, health care, and policing. Studies have […]
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