Drug Abuse Prevention: Ending the Need for Treatment

Drug Abuse Prevention: Ending the Need for Treatment

Addictive drugs are easier than ever to find, so preventing drug abuse is just as important as treating people who are suffering from addiction. The most important time to begin a prevention program is before children become adolescents. Drug abuse is incredibly dangerous for young minds because illicit drugs affect the brain, which is how addiction occurs. When it comes to drugs like heroin or other opioids, the brain is permanently changed.

Watch for Transitions

The most common times that drug abuse begins is with transitions. Adults can be drawn to drugs when they lose a job or have marital issues. Adolescents can be drawn to drugs in more transitional moments. For example, students who switch schools can be enticed to do drugs as a way to meet new people. They can also be drawn to drugs as a way to deal with family issues like divorce or personal issues like depression or anxiety. Middle school and high school tend to be dangerous times because drugs are available, especially when young students meet the older ones who can drive, have jobs, and have more access to drugs. Teens will encounter drugs or will be asked about drugs when they are in school.

Risky Behavior Begins in the Teen Years

Another major danger for teens is the fact that they are naturally risk takers. They do not understand the potential dangers that come with abusing drugs. Teens might do drugs to try to fit in, especially if they are in situations where parents are not nearby. Teens might do drugs to improve their social status. Some might also be tricked into taking drugs. There are also teens who will sell their prescription drugs, like ADHD medicine. Some also will take drugs to cover up their psychological issues. There are plenty of reasons why teens will take drugs and they always think they are logical reasons, even though they really are not.

Drugs Damage Young Brains

Since teen brains are still developing, taking drugs can seriously affect their young brains by damaging the areas associated with import skills like learning, memory, and controlling behavior. Teens with history of drug abuse will have issues in school and after – many end up in the justice system with lengthy criminal records. Sadly, there are too many children between the ages of 12 and 13 who are using drugs.

Thoroughly Research Drug Prevention Programs Work

Because of the trends, prevention programs have been researched, tested, and retested. These scientifically researched programs have proven to be successful in teaching children, teens, and their parents about the dangers of drug abuse. Parents are taught about risk factors and signs to watch for in their children. Schools and communities are also involved in the prevention programs. The programs have reduced the numbers of young people who are getting involved in drug abuse.

The programs are designed for three different population groups. There are programs designed to work with an entire community or school. There are also programs designed for kids who have been identified as a potential risk – usually they were identified at school or in a community center. The last group is for teens who are using drugs. The programs are designed to meet the different needs of the identified groups.

Schools and community groups that use drug prevention programs as they are designed find that fewer students use drugs. Once students see that drugs are dangerous, they tend to avoid them.

Reducing the Reliance on Treatment Programs

Ideally, prevention programs will be so successful that eventually there will be no need for treatment programs. Even after students leave school and enter into the work world, prevention programs still occur. The general public is regularly exposed to images of drug abusers in commercials, movies, and reality television shows. Whether prevention programs are geared toward young children, teens, or the general public, the goal is still the same: to completely end drug abuse.

Get Help From Canadian Addiction Treatment Centres

With patient-centered treatment, addiction can be stopped. At Canadian Addiction Treatment Centers, we help people struggling with addiction work their way back to a healthy, addiction-free lifestyle. Get help today by filling out our contact form or giving us a call at 1-877-937-2282.