#MyRecovery – Roberta and Christopher’s Story

#MyRecovery – Roberta and Christopher’s Story

Happy Recovery Month

During Recovery Month, we’ve asked people in recovery to share their stories about what led them to recovery and their experience with treatment, so that others can feel empowered to open up and seek help, too. This is Roberta and Christopher’s story. #MyRecovery

Roberta and Christopher MyRecovery1. How did your experience with opioids start, and when did you know you needed help?

Roberta and Christopher’s experience began with a pain prescription. “It started with a pain script, and here we are,” they reflect. They realized they needed help when their use transitioned from legitimate to problematic over time.

2. What’s something that a lot of people misunderstand or “get wrong” about addiction or people who use drugs?

They feel people often assume those with addiction issues are inherently bad or unworthy. “People think we’re bad people,” Roberta explains. Christopher adds that his limited family contact meant he avoided some of this stigma that Roberta faced.

3. What has it been like getting treatment? What has it meant to you?

“It’s everything,” Roberta says. After years of substance use, they have been with the Peterborough OATC for three years. Christopher notes that their commitment to treatment was crucial, sharing, “I gave Roberta an ultimatum: seek help or face divorce.”

4. What have you learned about yourself along your recovery journey?

Both agree that addiction does not define them. “Using drugs is not our identity,” they affirm. They emphasize that recovery involves trust and honesty, even when it is difficult.

5. What is something that people would be surprised to learn about you?

Roberta shares that people are often surprised to learn they were drug users. Christopher adds that their long marriage is also unexpected, noting, “We’ve been married for almost 25 years, together for 28, and have been using since I was 7 and Roberta was 40.”

6. If you could share one message to people who may be struggling with substance use, what would it be?

“Don’t worry about other people’s opinions. Do it for yourself. Be strong, because it’s hard,” they advise.


Thank you, Roberta and Christopher, for sharing your experience in recovery. Happy Recovery Month!

Find more #MyRecovery stories here

All stories and photos are shared with expressed consent by the individuals.