
Methadone Treatment History

Did you know that methadone was first produced during the mid-1900s? It came about as part of the research into the development of new pain relieving drugs that can be used as an alternative to morphine. In fact, it has been one of the more popularly researched drug treatments all over the world. The social […]

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The Side Effects of Methadone Use

Strange as it may sound, but in order to treat opiate abuse, another opiate must be used as a support when the drug abuser stops the original drug used. The purpose is to try and limit the intense drive to seek and abuse opiates like heroin for example. In this instances, the usual choice would […]

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Drug Addiction Treatment Questions to Ponder

As a general rule, treatment centers should measure how effective the services they provide including investing in continuous research to uncover newer and more effective treatment methods. There is no doubt that treatment of drug abuse and addiction is very complex, hence, its recovery requires multiple stages of intervention. Drug addiction treatment may include aside […]

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Components of Drug Abuse Treatment Strategies

What exactly is drug addiction? It is defined as a chronic disease identified by its compulsive and uncontrollable seeking and use of drugs without regard for the harmful consequences like long lasting changes in brain function and behavior. It is also a relapsing disease, which makes it more dangerous. What are the common components of […]

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How to Use a Naloxone Kit for Opioid Overdose

. The kits are available prescription-free at Ont pharmacies. Could you use one in an emergency? . Since anti-overdose kits for opioids were made available in pharmacies in June 2016, Ontario’s ministry of health has distributed 12,000 Naloxone packages to more than 1,400 locations across the province. Here’s what pharmacists at the Canadian Addiction Treatment […]

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