
BC Chief Coroner Report shows overdose as the province’s leading cause of unnatural death

According to the latest chief coroner report, opioid overdose kills more people in British Columbia than homicides, suicides, motor vehicle incidents, drownings and fire-related deaths combined. In fact, overdose is the leading cause of unnatural death in the province. 596 lives have already been lost between January and March, just barely behind last year’s record of 599 […]

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Who is At Risk for Hepatitis C?

This article is clinically reviewed by Brittany Domm, R.P.N   Hepatitis C is a contagious liver disease caused by the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). It affects both adults and children, though some people may not show any symptoms. It can cause serious health complications, including cirrhosis or liver cancer if left untreated. Knowing who is at […]

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PAG Interviews: Dr. Cory Scott

“My approach and philosophy is simple, to meet people where they are at. Everyone’s goal of treatment is different, and everyone’s motivation to change is different.” Dr. Cory Scott was recently appointed to our Physician Advisory Group. Comprised of seven leading specialists in addictions medicine, these passionate doctors help guide our outpatient clinical practice, ensuring […]

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Nurses working in addiction treatment shine as health care heroes

May 8-14 is National Nursing Week in Canada, marked by the Canadian Nurses Association as an annual reminder of the critical role nurses play in health care delivery. There are currently 178 highly-skilled nurses working at CATC across our extensive network of 80+ rapid access outpatient and intensive inpatient addiction treatment centres.  As core members […]

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